Exclusive Interview: Trinity Refining and Safety Systems – Dramatically extending engine and oil life, while reducing emissions and costs

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Publisher's Note: Dan Genovese with EnerCom met with Charlie Goodson, Chairman, and Don McGregor, Executive Vice President, of Trinity Refining and Safety Systems (TRSS) to discuss their transformative technology, with almost unlimited applications, but initially focused on high-value engine oil filtration in the oil and gas, renewable natural gas (RNG) and marine industries.

Trinity Refining & Safety Systems is a second-generation patented oil, fuel and water conditioning and filtering technology with a line of products that dramatically extends the life of oil and engines, while reducing emissions and customer costs across all oil & fuel-related industries.

The Trinity RSS oil & fuel conditioning and filtering systems combine the magnetic effects of conditioning hydrocarbons with a magnetically enhanced 1-micron filtering element producing an unmatched capability in equipment performance, life, wear on parts, and reducing oil and fuel use, and emissions. The unique combination of conditioning and filtering is unequaled in the lubrication industry.

Trinity Refining and Safety Systems will be giving an investor and customer presentation at 3:55pm Central Time on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at The Energy Venture Summit at EnerCom Dallas at Hotel Crescent Court, Uptown Dallas. There is no cost to attend EnerCom Dallas and The Energy Venture Investment Summit at EnerCom Dallas for qualified investors. Investors can now register to attend at www.enercomdallas.com and have the opportunity to request 1x1 meetings with Trinity Refining and Safety Systems and other presenting companies.

EnerCom Dallas is an energy-focused investment conference that provides institutional investors the opportunity to hear presentation from a broad group of public and private energy companies, as well as innovative start-up ventures. The two-day conference provides in-person access to energy company senior leadership and allows investors to meet one-on-one with management teams. The Energy Venture Investment Summit at EnerCom Dallas will featuring quick-pitch investment sessions from promising start-up energy and technology companies focused on innovation and operations in alternative energy, advanced oil and gas technology and environmental sustainability.

For more information about Trinity Refining and Safety Systems, please visit their website at: www.trinityrss.com; or contact them directly at info@trinityrss.com. For more information about EnerCom Dallas; or to learn how to apply to be a presenting company at The Energy Venture Investment Summit at EnerCom Dallas; please contact Dan Genovese at dgenovese@enercominc.com.


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